FOR PLANNED, APPROPRIATE WIND FARM LANDINGS. John supports renewable energy. He supports appropriate offshore wind landings at industrial sites, sites with existing substations, or a planned grid — what experts recommend that saves ratepayers over $1 billion. He supports the resolutions of the OVA and Osterville Business & Professional Association.
FOR STRAIGHT TALK ABOUT SEWERS & WHO PAYS. The incumbent has been a proponent of wind power industrialization on Cape Cod since 2018. He says it's a good trade for the 1% of sewer costs Avangrid will pay. John supports mitigating existing problems by sewering areas of critical need, and aggressive pursuit of alternative systems that reduce nitrogen 90%.
FOR PROACTIVE HOUSING SOLUTIONS FOR LOCALS John wants to meet community needs proactively, and by prioritizing locals, not just by reacting to developers and their needs. He supports redevelopment, ADUs, and returning some non-resident, investor-run short-term rentals to housing use. And he does not support the unelected Cape Cod Commission’s call to change single family zoning to dense development.
John Crow
Below is the 11-page letter incumbent precinct 5 Councilor wrote about landing high voltage cables on our beaches. In short, he's a proponent. The letter has been called "word salad." It echoes Avangrid, the wind developer's, talking points. There's nonsense about how it's the only way we'll get sewers. How it will save us from having "the entire economic value propositon of Barnstable and Osterville in particular seriously called into question." And then he calls residents who don't agree with him "apocalyptic." The letter has been on his website since summer, but it appears to be gone now, just when his re-election postcard arrives saying he too wants to save Dowses Beach! Imagine that. It's worth a read before you vote.
Cusack on industrializing Dowses (pdf)
DownloadPrecinct 5 votes at the fire station, Main Sreet, Osterviile.
Election Day is November 7
John and his supporters will be out in your neighborhood. You know what's on his mind. He'd like to know what's on yours.
Miss us when we knock? Please stop by! The Osterville village public library, 43 Wianno Avenue.
Paid for by John Crow for Town Council, Michael Tulman, Treasurer
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